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B&H - Adding Your Credentials to FMTC

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to find your B&H credentials and add them to FMTC. By following these steps, your Product Feed tracking links will have your affiliate IDs.


These instructions explain how to:

(tick) Add your B&H IDs.

MerchantSync does not apply.

Last update: 9/6/2024

To add your B&H IDs to your FMTC account, start here.

  1. Login to the B&H affiliates dashboard -

Untitled design (8).png
  1. Click on your profile image, then “My Profile”

  1. Copy your BI and your KBID

  1. Go to your FMTC dashboard -

  1. Click "Relationships" then “Manage Network IDs”

  1. Scroll down to In-House Programs, click in each box under "B&H Photo Video" to add your BI and your KBID, then click "Save"

Nice job: you added your B&H BI and KBID to FMTC!

MerchantSync does not apply.

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