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ShareASale - Share Your Merchant Credentials

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to find and share your ShareASale Merchant credentials with FMTC.


These instructions explain how to:

(tick) Share your AffiliateSync credentials

Last update: 6/28/2024

Start here.

  1. Login to the ShareASale merchant dashboard -

  1. Click on “TOOLS” then “Merchant API”

ShareASale - Adding your credentials (A).jpg
  1. Copy your Token, your API Secret, and your Merchant ID

ShareASale - Adding your credentials (B).jpg
  1. Go to

  1. Add your Token, API Secret and Merchant ID in the box, click “Create a secret link”

ShareASale - Adding your credentials (C).jpg
  1. Copy the link

ShareASale - Adding your credentials (D).jpg
  1. Email the link to:

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