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Utah-based, outdoor-focused AvantLink claims 800+ advertisers, including major retailer REI. FMTC is fully integrated with each of AvantLink’s three country networks in the US, Canada, and Australia.  According to Crunchbase, AvantLink was founded in 2005. It is run as an independent company by CEO and co-founder Scott Kalbach.

  • Parsers

  • MerchantSync

  • FreshReach®

Last Updated: 07/22/2022
For questions and additional information, please contact the network.

Not all AvantLink ad tools use the exact same set of parameters. The examples below are indicative of Custom Link URLs only.

For further reference, please visit Technical Integration for Affiliates – AvantLink Support


“tt” = “tool type”
”cl” = “custom link”


“mi” = “merchant ID”
11707 = merchant ID number


 “pw” = “publisher website”
“9649” = website ID


“ctc” (optional) = “custom tracking code”

May be populated with any alphanumeric value of 64 characters (plus periods, spaces, hyphens & underscores or less (Technical Integration for Affiliates – AvantLink Support)


“url” = destination URL

Value of the parameter is the encoded destination Merchant URL (Technical Integration for Affiliates – AvantLink Support)

For all links here, across all networks, the "%" is a placeholder, matching 0 or more characters. It's typically the value of a URL parameter, and is also used in "http%://" to indicate that both "http" and "https" are possible.




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